In web development, the search feature is commonplace. This can be implemented in numerous ways, ranging from simple where
conditions in your database to powerful search engines like Elasticsearch, Solr, or Sphinx. In between, there are database tools - LIKE
, regular expression queries (potentially enhanced with Trigram Indexes), or Full Text Search, which in Rails is well supported by the pg_search gem.
In this post, I'll examine the ILIKE
query and a workaround for improving its efficiency - the use of the LIKE
query with the LOWER
function. I'll begin with a brief introduction to both.
ILIKE operator
So, in simple terms, ILIKE
allows case-insensitive pattern matching. Similarly to LIKE
, it can be used with a leading and/or trailing wildcard to find a match:
- strings that start with 'aBc'%aBc
- strings that end with 'aBc'%aBc%
- strings that contain 'aBc'
Remember that, not as LIKE, ILIKE is not part of the SQL standard - it is only available in PostgreSQL. In other databases such as MySQL or SQLite, you can replicate this functionality by using the COLLATE keyword and choosing the correct collation.
LOWER function
The LOWER function essentially converts all capital letters in text to lowercase. For the purpose of this article, it allows us to substitute an ILIKE query with the combined use of LIKE and LOWER.
Thus, the following two queries should yield equivalent search results:
User.where('last_name ILIKE ?', "%aBc%")
User.where('lower(last_name) LIKE lower(?)', "%aBc%")
Test cases
Let's determine which option is more efficient. For this, I created a users
table with approximately 1.5 million records and a string(varchar) column named last_name
. This was populated with random English surnames using the Faker gem. My local PostgreSQL version is 13. I will test it with different types of wildcards. To measure the results, I will use the explain analyze
option which lets me track the Postgres planner and execution time.
I've developed some methods for the User
model in Ruby to simplify query usage in the Rails console. In the first example, I’ve used a leading wildcard. Please note that I have adjusted phrases with correct %
in next examples for trailing and leading/trailing wildcards.It is apparent in each plan presented below.
class User < ApplicationRecord
def self.ilike_search(exp)
where('last_name ILIKE ?', exp)
def self.lower_search(exp)
where('LOWER(last_name) LIKE LOWER(?)', exp)
Leading wildcard
I will choose a random phrase that predicts the start of the last name (e.g., 'and'
to find 'Anderson', etc.):


The Postgres planner provides a comprehensive plan. The most relevant aspect here is the execution time, especially since I didn't apply any indexes and the query itself is straightforward and brief. To cut to the chase, LIKE/LOWER
is faster than ILIKE
. This is evident when comparing execution times: 157.634 ms
and 225.187 ms
Trailing wildcard
For trailing wildcard searches, I'm looking for last names ending with 'Re'
. This should also find names ending in 're' (such as D'Amore, Moore, etc.):


For the trailing wildcard, the story is similar. LIKE/LOWER
takes 171.703 ms
, while ILIKE
takes 261.146 ms
wins again.
Combined wildcard
In this step, I will search for all last names containing the phrase 'Son'
, which also includes 'son'


For this example, the story is similar. LIKE/LOWER
proved to be faster, taking 195.931 ms
compared to 257.449 ms
In many cases I found, using LOWER
with LIKE
is faster than ILIKE
. However, I will demonstrate an example where it is actually slower. This is an example for combined wildcards, using the phrase ‘So’


Here's an example where LIKE/LOWER
is slower (416.909 ms) than ILIKE
(255.328 ms). From my tests, this only occurs with combined wildcards which are resource-intensive and time-consuming. Due to their pattern comparison method for each string chunk, combined wildcards are highly sensitive to data distribution. For instance, if many records match the substring 'So,' the case-insensitive ILIKE
might perform better as it doesn't require a LOWER
operation on every row.
This might suggest that the longer the search term is, which in general yields fewer results, the faster LOWER
becomes. Let’s check it by measuring average execution times for specific wildcards.
Average results
To get comprehensive results I will loop each query 100 times with random strings with length from 1 to 5 characters and extract execution time from its planner results to get final outcome. I will manage it with script to calculate average execution time. Obviously, I will also correctly replace wildcards in execution_benchmark
def self.random_string(min_length, max_length)
raise ArgumentError, "Invalid range: #{min_length} to #{max_length}" if min_length > max_length
characters = ('a'..'z').to_a + ('A'..'Z').to_a
length = rand(min_length..max_length) { characters.sample }.join
def self.execution_benchmark
total_execution_time = [0,0]
num_runs = 100
num_runs.times do
string = User.random_string(1, 5)
ilike_result = User.ilike_search("#{string}%").explain(:analyze)
lower_result = User.lower_search("#{string}%").explain(:analyze)
ilike_execution_time = ilike_result.split("\n")[-2].match(/Execution Time: (\d+\.\d+) ms/)[1].to_f
lower_execution_time = lower_result.split("\n")[-2].match(/Execution Time: (\d+\.\d+) ms/)[1].to_f
total_execution_time[0] += ilike_execution_time
total_execution_time[1] += lower_execution_time
average_ilike_time = total_execution_time[0]/num_runs
average_lower_time = total_execution_time[1]/num_runs
puts average_ilike_time
puts average_lower_time
Leading wildcard
for leading wildcard:
User Load (218.5ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE (last_name ILIKE 'RsuXJ%')
User Load (142.9ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE (LOWER(last_name) LIKE LOWER('RsuXJ%'))
User Load (217.8ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE (last_name ILIKE 'rGPS%')
User Load (146.6ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE (LOWER(last_name) LIKE LOWER('rGPS%'))
User Load (228.7ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE (last_name ILIKE 'EFJN%')
User Load (143.9ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE (LOWER(last_name) LIKE LOWER('EFJN%'))
Average output for ILIKE: 244.70 ms
Average output for LOWER: 173.55 ms
Percentage difference(approximately): LOWER
is ****40.1%
Trailing wildcard
for trailing wildcard:
User Load (416.6ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE (last_name ILIKE '%GWvK')
User Load (146.0ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE (LOWER(last_name) LIKE LOWER('%GWvK'))
User Load (219.0ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE (last_name ILIKE '%vlDk')
User Load (145.3ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE (LOWER(last_name) LIKE LOWER('%vlDk'))
User Load (342.3ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE (last_name ILIKE '%l')
User Load (581.5ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE (LOWER(last_name) LIKE LOWER('%l'))
Average output for ILIKE: 246.33 ms
Average output for LOWER: 212.78 ms
Percentage difference(approximately): LOWER
is 15.8%
Combined wildcard
In this case, it's beneficial to consider three scenarios involving different pattern lengths. The first scenario will address short patterns, second - medium, while the third one will focus on long patterns. I will replace line string = User.random_string(1, 5)
with correct ranges.
for combined wildcard and string lengths ranging from 1 to 2:
User Load (278.4ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE (last_name ILIKE '%BS%')
User Load (457.3ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE (LOWER(last_name) LIKE LOWER('%BS%'))
User Load (220.4ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE (last_name ILIKE '%LX%')
User Load (416.8ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE (LOWER(last_name) LIKE LOWER('%LX%'))
User Load (1924.9ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE (last_name ILIKE '%C%')
User Load (2084.6ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE (LOWER(last_name) LIKE LOWER('%C%'))
User Load (2641.5ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE (last_name ILIKE '%i%')
User Load (3047.9ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE (LOWER(last_name) LIKE LOWER('%i%'))
Average output for ILIKE: 542.89 ms
Average output for LOWER: 559.93 ms
Percentage difference(approximately): LOWER
is 3%
for combined wildcard and string lengths ranging from 2 to 5:
User Load (221.3ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE (last_name ILIKE '%xP%')
User Load (422.2ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE (LOWER(last_name) LIKE LOWER('%xP%'))
User Load (223.3ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE (last_name ILIKE '%zXwt%')
User Load (155.8ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE (LOWER(last_name) LIKE LOWER('%zXwt%'))
User Load (217.3ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE (last_name ILIKE '%QC%')
User Load (411.0ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE (LOWER(last_name) LIKE LOWER('%QC%'))
User Load (220.5ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE (last_name ILIKE '%PpFt%')
User Load (147.1ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE (LOWER(last_name) LIKE LOWER('%PpFt%'))
Average output for ILIKE: 237.03 ms
Average output for LOWER: 228.27 ms
Percentage difference(approximately): LOWER
is 3.8%
for combined wildcard and string lengths ranging from 3 to 7:
User Load (235.6ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE (last_name ILIKE '%LcdFatK%')
User Load (162.5ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE (LOWER(last_name) LIKE LOWER('%LcdFatK%'))
User Load (246.4ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE (last_name ILIKE '%zCSXH%')
User Load (153.7ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE (LOWER(last_name) LIKE LOWER('%zCSXH%'))
User Load (238.3ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE (last_name ILIKE '%Luf%')
User Load (151.4ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE (LOWER(last_name) LIKE LOWER('%Luf%'))
User Load (233.9ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE (last_name ILIKE '%wUPxBw%')
User Load (150.7ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE (LOWER(last_name) LIKE LOWER('%wUPxBw%'))
Average output for ILIKE: 230.97 ms
Average output for LOWER: 163.00 ms
Percentage difference(approximately): LOWER
is 41%
In conclusion, the LIKE/LOWER
combination is usually faster than using ILIKE
in PostgreSQL, especially for leading and trailing wildcard searches. However, with combined wildcards, the efficiency can vary based on the length of the search term and the distribution of the data. Therefore, it's crucial to test different scenarios in your production environment to determine the most efficient option. To measure directly on the database server, you might consider using such tool like pganalyze. Alternatively, popular web performance monitoring applications such as Sentry, Rollbar, or Airbrake are also good options. Each one provides tools to measure the speed of query execution in your application and/or tracking for most time consuming queries, enabling you to choose the best fitting option.