Digital Platform for Street Food


Web/UX/UI Design


StreatUP is a digital platform that connects food vendors, event organizers, and food enthusiasts in a marketplace for street food. It serves as a hub and marketplace for street food vendors to easily sell their products and for event organizers to find and book food vendors for their events. The platform aims to provide convenient solutions for all parties involved in the street food industry.

About project

The market for street food events is huge especially in Western Europe. Food enthusiasts and tourists often name “food” as one of the most important factors why a specific city is worth visiting. And yet surprisingly, as we found out during the first meeting with the client, the business is not well structured. It lacks clear requirements for people who’d like to serve their food at various events and possibilities to network within the community. Therefore, there’s been a great desire for a place where events’ organisers can look for vendors who’d serve food at those events. This is how StreatUp! has been brought to life



Web/UX/UI Design


- Workshops

Two days of workshops started off with getting to know our client’s market, the problems they face and technology which can help them in solving the issues. After finding out about those and seeing team’s experience and passion, we realized quickly that the possibilities are endless here.

- Product design

Workshops gave us plenty of material to work on. Having discovered the problems to be solved, we prepared features’ descriptions and simple mockups to present them visually. Finally, we were able to decide which functionalities are most important and focus on them during MVP development.

- Brand identity

Once agreed on the project’s scope, we used our creative side and started designing an interface, which would be simple to use, legible and most importantly easy on the eye.

- Event application process

We were aware that the application process was crucial to the app’s success. We created a simple, four step form with the help of which organisers can define their event’s character, needs and present a fair and square pricing model to vendors who decide to take part in it.

- Vendor wizard

We turned the regular sign up flow into a wizard, which guides all the users through the process. Additionally, vendors have to upload the required legal documents, which StreatUp! team evaluates or helps to sort them out. Thanks to that solution, organisers don’t have to worry that vendors will cancel because of red tape.

- Payments system integration

Integrating a third-party payments system was very important, as the whole spot booking process had to be automatic. However, due to budget limitations and market’s requirements, we had to choose a different payment provider than we’d planned to. Working in Agile methodology, we were able to adjust a few features to the Mangopay API which our client picked. We also made sure that it would be possible to integrate different providers in the future, as the product would hopefully enter new markets

- Developing the MVP

StreatUp’s 1.0 version is already live, but we believe it’s just the beginning of the joint adventure with the StreatUp! team as our Trello backlog still holds more ideas than we could fit into the MVP. We look forward to seeing our friends in action and can’t wait working on the next iteration with them!

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Through Visuality’s attractive designs and reliable development, the MVP has attracted overwhelmingly positive feedback from internal staff and external users. The team’s collaborative approach and delay-free scheduling ensured a productive relationship.

Isabel Restrepo